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My Journey of helping others through my life experiences and studies

My story

Throughout my life, I have been curious about the how, the why's and the meaning that our journeys here hold. From our stories and beliefs to how the things that trigger us, these can become the very things that make us unwell. These patterns can start from very early in our lives, in the beginning, we are forming the bigger picture of life through our senses.


From a young age, I've learned (and continue to learn) how to tune into my senses. They have shown me the many possibilities life holds beyond our normal experience of the world. 

As children, we are all in our subtle senses a lot of the time. Gradually, as we move through life, we gain triggers and limiting beliefs and start to shut down our senses.

As a child, I embodied those subtle senses and was surprised to find out that others did not experience the world through the same lens. 

Now as an adult I fully embrace what I know are gifts and use these in my life to navigate and in my work. Like anything this can take practice and will depend on where your focus is as to how in tune you are. Through different stages in my life where my focus was elsewhere these skills would go into the background and need to be exercised and practised again when needed.

These experiences, combined with the different therapies and healing practices that I have trained in, assist my passion for helping others develop who they are, learning to heal themselves,  finding what feels truly right, and an understanding of what their passion and gifts are. 

 My passion is facilitating personal and spiritual growth, teaching people how to heal themselves and helping them to develop a life they love.

My Professional Journey

I have been working as a Healthcare Practitioner since 1990, starting out in the Beauty Industry and training further in Holistic Massage, Touch for Health Kinesiology and Indian Head Massage. I went on to do further specialised clinical massage training for a Diploma in Clinical and Remedial Massage and gained a distinction in 2001.

In 2005, I came across The BodyTalk System whilst looking for relief from many chronic food and air-born intolerance. I found so much more with many areas to explore and change my whole outlook in life. This was life-changing! BodyTalk made such a positive difference to my health and growth, physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually; I went on to study BodyTalk and became a Certified

BodyTalk Practitioner in 2006. Since then I have completed all the advanced modules. 

Breakthrough and Mindscape are other classes through The International BodyTalk Association that feature in my daily life and my work.

In 2014 I became a Reiki Master/Teacher and

went on to become a Practitioner of Rahanni Celestial Healing completing my teacher training with Carol Anne Stacey, Founder of Rahanni Celestial Healing.

I teach Mainly Rahanni Celestial Healing currently as this sits well with where life is heading for personal and spiritual growth.

I also practice Seichim Reiki, facilitate Meditation, Healing and Mindfulness groups and run many development workshops.

My most recent therapy is Divine Healing, which is an incredible healing system that fits so well into all of my work and how I live my life. I have now completed levels 1, 2 and 3 and 4. A beautiful addition to my work.

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